8 Ways to Calm the Sunday Scaries

Ever experience the blues or feeling of impending doom the day before real life starts again? This anxiety is usually set off by the dread of starting a new work/school week and is especially accompanied by a booze filled weekend.

Here are a few simple steps to help overcome your Sunday Scaries:


Everyone has their own version of self-care whether it's getting a blow-out or talking to a therapist. Research has shown that self-care is fundamental to maintenance of both physical and mental health. Although it is defined differently across domains, it has one core concept: a naturalistic decision making process in which individuals engage in ways to maintain good health.

My Version: taking a candle-lit bubble bath using one of  Lush's bubble bars. (No bath tub? Try a hot shower using Lush's shower bombs)

Keep it Moving 

Exercise has been a HUGE relief for my Sunday Scaries. Although it is super hard to motivate yourself to get up and get going, especially with a hangover, it will feel so much better and rewarding when you're done. A mix of both high-intensity strength training and moderate-intensity aerobic exercise provide optimal positive effects. So get up and get moving!

My Version: On the not so bad Sundays I do a 20 minute cardio session whether it's just an elliptical, biking or rowing. If I feel up to it I'll do some strength training. On the pretty bad days I like to go outside and walk around the block, or to my local park even if it's just for 15 minutes or do a nice yoga session in my living room.

Try Aromatherapy 

Your senses are super heightened when anxious and/or hungover. A good way to help ground you is to diffuse some essential oils containing lavender, rosemary, bergamot, sandalwood and/or orange. For better outcomes, do some deep breathing exercises or a grounding technique!

My Version: I love to use Saje's Stress Release Mist and Diffuser Blend. If I am feeling extra anxious, I make sure to do a deep breathing exercise.


It is so important to keep hydrated, especially if you're drinking. I am telling you this is the CURE for hangovers. All jokes aside, keeping hydrated is an easy way to stabilize your mood by thinking more clearly. Although the determining mechanisms behind hydration and mood are still unclear, drinking water has shown to improve cognitive function (thinking clearer and being more attentive) in which helps improve your mood. If you absolutely despise water, try some chamomile tea to help soothe your soul.

My Version: Right when I wake up I like to drink a full glass of water to get my day started. I always carry around a water bottle to ensure that I am drinking around 11 ounces of water (8 full glasses) a day.

Meal Prep 

Distract yourself by getting some groceries and cooking up a few healthy meals you enjoy for the next couple of days. Not only will this make sure your body is filled with nutrients but it will also make you look forward to tomorrow if it's a meal you are excited to eat.

My Version: I like to watch some YouTube videos of easy and healthy meal prep ideas and go to the local market to pick up some ingredients. Key: I always make all of my meals for Monday so I can look forward to try them the next day.

Stay Busy 

The best way to handle the scaries is to use distraction techniques. Ensure you are keeping busy by engaging in hobbies and interests that you love throughout the day whether it is dog walking or simply watching Netflix.

My Version: I always love picking up new hobbies and trying new things like Geocaching. Try something new and fun by doing a hobby quiz on the internet! 

Getting To The Root (1) 

This may feel a bit overwhelming but the best way to get rid of the anxiety is to find out what is truly triggering it. Is it the weekend full of alcohol that is the cause...

My Version: Cut down on the drinking (whether it is replacing a night out with a board game night with your friends, OR, challenge yourself to drink 1-2 drinks on a night out).

Getting To The Root (2)  OR  

is it dreading the things you need to do at work/school? If you just simply hate your job try: scheduling lunch with a friend or a fun yoga class for Monday to look forward to something.

My Version: Get all the daunting tasks that you need to do for Monday on Friday, and if you can't,  leave a schedule of tasks to do on your desk (from most to least important) so you can walk in with a clear and organized mind on Monday.

How do you deal with your Sunday Scaries?

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